Best cover letter ever!

My buddy works for a certain governmental agency down in St Catherines, Ontario. Since all the students are getting out of school, he has been getting lots of resumes. This one struck him as standing out a little bit. What do you think? Arrogant? or just a creative way of trying to get a job? I may risk sounding a bit arrogant and far from modest, but I am a widely talented, energetic, courteous, honest and creative individual that would be a fantastic asset to the COMPANY NAME HERE....

May 10, 2007 · 1 min · 121 words · Matt G

Replace Notepad with Notepad2 on Windows XP SP2

I noticed yesterday that there was a new Notepad2 release. If you’re not aware, notepad2 is a fantastic replacement for the regular notepad that comes with your windows installation. Check out notepad2 here. In the past it’s been a bit of a pain in the ass to replace notepad with notepad2 on your windows xp box. This weekend I decided to replace it on my system with the new release, which now supports ....

May 6, 2007 · 2 min · 403 words · Matt G

Covert Persuasion Tips and Tricks

Today I finally finished this great book that I’m reading called “Covert Persuasion : Psychological Tactics and Tricks to Win the Game” by Kevin Hogan and James Speakman. This book is pretty hardcore sales material, but if you run and operate your own business I’d say it’s pretty much required reading. Getting into people’s heads is very hard to do if you don’t have multi-million-dollar budgets like the large companies. You have to rely solely on yourself....

March 4, 2007 · 2 min · 404 words · Matt G