Check pagerank of all pages on a domain with this free tool.

Found this pretty cool tool last night. It’s free, and you can use it to check page rank of all pages on a given domain. I ran it through one of my sites with about 2k pages, and it seemed to be successful. Thought it might help some of you too if you’re selling links. Download it here. Comments Comment by List Building Strategies Blog on 2009-09-29 02:34:18 -0500 Oh this is great tool....

September 28, 2009 · 1 min · 151 words · Matt G

Second Campaign Launched. Case study to follow.

Just so you, my avid readers aren’t left in the dark I thought I would do a little post outlining what I’ve been up to lately. So, here goes. I’ve been setting up a new campaign to test out in a different niche then last time. [ADHD] Speaking of niche, we were always told its knee-sh, not nitch… which is it? [/ADHD]. This time I’m running it a little differently than last time, and arguably with less work....

September 20, 2009 · 3 min · 577 words · Matt G

Fourteen Books Every Entrepreneur (Affiliate Marketer) Needs to Read.

I thought it was time for a post about books that are beneficial to all entrepreneurs, which includes almost all of us in the Affiliate Marketing scene. I know this post isn’t a new idea and many people have done it before, but some of them fail to mention books that I love. One thing to keep in mind is that self help books shouldn’t be taken literally. I think a lot of people read them looking for “the answer”, which of course they won’t find no matter how hard they look....

September 18, 2009 · 8 min · 1627 words · Matt G

Beta copies of Timed Tweeter seen in the wild!

As some of you know, we’ve been hard at work at on a revolutionary new twitter application. It’s called Timed Tweeter, and for a week or so we’ve been spending pretty much every waking hour coding, designing and debugging. Finally it is ready for testing. It’s not one of those apps that “does it all”, like so many of the others claim to be. Nor will it cook you breakfast or make you rich overnight....

September 11, 2009 · 2 min · 248 words · Matt G

First campaign, debriefing and case study.

So, as many of you know we launched our first campaign last week. It was a failure in terms of ROI, however we did get some interesting stats out of it, and some even more interesting keywords. I won’t tell you what niche it was, just incase I decide to start running the campaign again later on, but I will show you the stats that we determined. So, how did it work out?...

September 10, 2009 · 3 min · 470 words · Matt G