It’s easy, once you have nagiosadministrator installed, you’ll probably notice there’s no easy way to actually reach nagios. To add a quick button to the toolbar to do this, follow these steps:
SSH to server running nagios/nagiosadministrator
Go to your nagios administrator directory, ours is /var/www/nagiosadmin
Now, edit the menu file
# nano apps/backend/lib/topMenu.class.php
Now, change the first class topMenu from this
class topMenu { protected static $items = array( 'contact' => 'Contacts', 'contactgroup' => 'Contact Groups', 'os' => 'Operating Systems', 'service' => 'Services', 'hostgroup' => 'Host Groups', 'host' => 'Hosts', 'command' => 'Commands', 'template' => 'Templates', 'generator' => 'Generator' );
to this
class topMenu
protected static $items = array(
'contact' => 'Contacts',
'contactgroup' => 'Contact Groups',
'os' => 'Operating Systems',
'service' => 'Services',
'hostgroup' => 'Host Groups',
'host' => 'Hosts',
'command' => 'Commands',
'template' => 'Templates',
'generator' => 'Generator',
'nagios' => 'Go To Nagios'
- Refresh the Nagios Administrator web interface, and you’ll see a fancy new button you can click on to take you right to nagios.