Here’s everything you’ll need for this tutorial.

Note, that this setup has all available channels enabled including these EMWIN updates. It also includes enhancements from for Custom Colors and Fire Data.

Hardkernel store

Amazon canada

Here’s how to make it all work.

  1. get odroid n2+ unpacked

  2. download latest ubuntu image from here as of Jan 26, 2023 you want this one

  3. install balenca etcher

  4. put your emmc on the usb reader card and insert to pc

  5. open balenca and burn the image you downloaded to the emmc card

  6. attach emmc card to your n2+ and insert the 256gb micro-sd card to the slot, and replace case.

  7. attach keyboard + hdmi to your n2+ and power on the system (ensure set to boot from emmc)

  8. do one of the following to find out the ip address of the odroid

    a) either go to your router, and view the dhcp lease for odroid

    b) on the odroid itself if connected to a monitor and keyboard, type ifconfig -a to find your local ip (usually on eth0)

  9. from your main box, ssh to the odroid

     $ ssh -l root
  10. the default login is user: root, password: odroid

  11. update ubuntu and remove anything and set timezone

    # apt-get update
    # apt-get upgrade && apt-get autoremove
    # timedatectl set-timezone America/Toronto
  12. reboot the system

    # reboot 
  13. this step is optional, setup wifi if applicable.

    a. type in this to view the wlan card info typically wlan0

        $ ls /sys/class/net
        eth0  lo  wlan0

    b. view your available SSID’s if you don’t know them

        # nmcli dev wifi list

    c. now you want to run the console gui to connect to wifi

        # nmtui 

    d. now you want to click edit a connection and scroll down to your wifi network then hit enter

    e. hit tab to get to the password field and enter your password

    f. tab down to OK and hit enter

    g. now hit esc to exit to main screen, then scroll down to quit and hit enter.

    h. now type ifconfig -a to see if you have an ip address on wlan0 or whatever your interface is.

    i. reboot to make sure everything sticks

        # reboot 

    j. run ifconfig to ensure you have wifi or wired or both ip’s set properly.

  14. now you want place the system where you need it, plug in your usb hub, and, your RTLSDR devices to the system and power it on.

  15. now you want to ssh to your system again

    $ ssh -l root ip.address.of.system 
  16. now we want to install some basic stuff

    $ apt-get install aptitude git cmake build-essential libusb-1.0 libopencv-dev libproj-dev screen apache2 libapache2-mod-php8.1 zip php8.1-gd gdal-bin
  17. now run lsusb to make sure your hub, and, sdr device is found.

    $ lsusb 
  18. it should look like

    Bus 002 Device 002: ID 05e3:0620 Genesys Logic, Inc. USB3.1 Hub
    Bus 002 Device 001: ID 1d6b:0003 Linux Foundation 3.0 root hub
    Bus 001 Device 005: ID 051d:0002 American Power Conversion Uninterruptible Power Supply
    Bus 001 Device 007: ID 0bda:2838 Realtek Semiconductor Corp. RTL2838 DVB-T
    Bus 001 Device 006: ID 05e3:0608 Genesys Logic, Inc. Hub
    Bus 001 Device 004: ID 05e3:0608 Genesys Logic, Inc. Hub
    Bus 001 Device 003: ID 0bda:a811 Realtek Semiconductor Corp. RTL8811AU 802.11a/b/g/n/ac WLAN Adapter
    Bus 001 Device 002: ID 05e3:0610 Genesys Logic, Inc. Hub
    Bus 001 Device 001: ID 1d6b:0002 Linux Foundation 2.0 root hub
  19. now is probably a good time to put together the receiver dish, and, run your cable. Here are those instructions

  20. now we want to run some stuff on our radio server (the odroid). first being creating a new user.

    # useradd -m radio 
    # passwd radio 
    <set a password> 
    # su radio 
    # chsh 
    <enter password> 
    input /bin/bash 
    <hit enter> 
    $ cd ~
  21. Now we want to get the rtl-sdr sources

    $ git clone
    $ cd librtlsdr
    $ mkdir build
    $ cd build
    $ exit 
    # cd /home/radio/librtlsdr/build
    # make -j2 install
    # cp ../rtl-sdr.rules /etc/udev/rules.d/
    # mv /etc/udev/rules.d/rtl-sdr.rules /etc/udev/rules.d/10-rtl-sdr.rules
    # ldconfig 
    # echo 'blacklist dvb_usb_rtl28xxu' | sudo tee --append /etc/modprobe.d/blacklist-dvb_usb_rtl28xxu.conf
  22. now we want to add the radio user to the sudo and plugdev groups and then reboot

    # usermod -aG sudo radio 
    # usermod -aG plugdev radio 
    # reboot 
  23. now let’s see if it all works

    $ ssh -l radio ip.address.of.server 
    $ rtl_test 
  24. you should see output like this

    Found 1 device(s):
      0:  Realtek, RTL2838UHIDIR, SN: TEST
    Using device 0: Generic RTL2832U OEM
    Detached kernel driver
    Found Elonics E4000 tuner
    Supported gain values (14): -1.0 1.5 4.0 6.5 9.0 11.5 14.0 16.5 19.0 21.5 24.0 29.0 34.0 42.0 
    Sampling at 2048000 S/s.
    Info: This tool will continuously read from the device, and report if
    samples get lost. If you observe no further output, everything is fine.
    Reading samples in async mode...
    Allocating 15 zero-copy buffers
    Failed to allocate zero-copy buffer for transfer 14
    Falling back to buffers in userspace
    lost at least 80 bytes
  25. now we want to start the GOES setup

    $ sudo apt-get dist-upgrade
    $ sudo reboot 
  26. then ssh again

    $ ssh -l radio ip.address.of.radiobox 
  27. then issue this to install goestools

    $ mkdir source && cd source 
    $ git clone
    $ git clone goestools_jim_minter
    $ git clone goestools_tmbates12
    $ cd goestools_jim_minter 
    $ git checkout -b update_proj
    $ git format-patch -1 3a15b3a091ba38569c6fe76eb85d93d2403e11eb
    $ cp 0001-update-proj.patch ../goestools 
    $ cd ../goestools_tmbates12 
    $ git format-patch -1 2f54169cabfe05c6bfdc4f68dca0307fe7117df1
    $ cp 0001-Added-config-option-for-EMWIN-handler-to-disable-out.patch ../goestools
    $ cd ../goestools 
    $ git am < 0001-Added-config-option-for-EMWIN-handler-to-disable-out.patch
    $ git am < 0001-update-proj.patch
    $ git submodule init
    $ git submodule update --recursive
    $ git config --global ""
    $ git config --global "Your Name"
    $ mkdir build
    $ cd build
    $ cmake -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX:PATH=/usr ..
    $ make 
    $ sudo make install 
    $ cd 
    $ mkdir goes_stuff
    $ cd goes_stuff
    $ wget
    $ wget
    $ sudo cp /usr/share/goestools/goesproc-goesr.conf /usr/share/goestools/goesproc-goesr.original.conf
  28. Now we want to configure goesrecv by creating the configuration file

    $ nano goesrecv.conf 
  29. paste this in then exit and save the file

    mode = "hrit"
    source = "rtlsdr"
    frequency = 1694100000
    sample_rate = 2000000
    gain = 5
    bias_tee = false
    max_deviation = 200e3
    bind = "tcp://"
    send_buffer = 1048576
    statsd_address = "udp4://localhost:8125"
    bind = "tcp://"
    send_buffer = 2097152
    bind = "tcp://"
    bind = "tcp://"
    # Change rtlsdr to airspy if you're using an AirSpy, etc.
    # Publishes IQ samples coming straight from the SDR over
    # nanomsg
    bind = "tcp://"
    send_buffer = 2097152
  30. now let’s create a small script for testing our dish orientation. You may want two people for this, one person to move the dish around until the signal is correct, and one to watch the screen. Or, bring your laptop with you to watch the output. I use termux from my android phone and ssh to the radio server and run the script for testing.

    $ nano 
  31. paste these contents in, close and save the file, then make it executable.

    $ chmod +x
  32. now run your script

    2023-01-26T22:17:55Z [monitor] gain: 12.05, freq:     3.9, omega: 2.157, vit(avg): 2081, rs(sum):    0, packets:  0, drops: 32
    2023-01-26T22:17:56Z [monitor] gain: 27.27, freq:   105.2, omega: 2.157, vit(avg): 2129, rs(sum):    0, packets:  0, drops: 35
    2023-01-26T22:17:57Z [monitor] gain: 36.82, freq:  -197.6, omega: 2.156, vit(avg): 2155, rs(sum):    0, packets:  0, drops: 34
    2023-01-26T22:17:58Z [monitor] gain: 42.88, freq:   -51.4, omega: 2.155, vit(avg): 2182, rs(sum):    0, packets:  0, drops: 32
    2023-01-26T22:17:59Z [monitor] gain: 46.80, freq:  -954.5, omega: 2.157, vit(avg): 2214, rs(sum):    0, packets:  0, drops: 33
    2023-01-26T22:18:00Z [monitor] gain: 49.30, freq:  -280.0, omega: 2.160, vit(avg): 2253, rs(sum):    0, packets:  0, drops: 34
  33. take note of the vit(avg) how it is over 2000, you want this number as low as possible. go adjust your dish until this number comes down to hopefully less than 400, or around there. You also want as little drops as possible too. Fine tune your dish until these are the best you can get them.

  34. now you want to setup processing.

    $ nano 
  35. paste this in

    goesproc -c /usr/share/goestools/goesproc-goesr.conf -m packet  --subscribe tcp://
  36. exit and save your file, then make it executable.

    $ chmod +x 
  37. edit the goesprocessor file (you’ve already made a backup of this above, so it’s fine to save your changes here)

    $ sudo nano /usr/share/goestools/goesproc-goesr.conf 
  38. and paste the folllowing in

    # Store all original GOES-16 products.
    type = "image"
    origin = "goes16"
    directory = "./goes16/{region:short|lower}/{channel:short|lower}/{time:%Y-%m-%d}"
    filename = "GOES16_{region:short}_{channel:short}_{time:%Y%m%dT%H%M%SZ}"
    format = "jpg"
    json = false
    #path = "/usr/share/goestools/ne/ne_50m_admin_0_countries_lakes.json"
    #path = "/usr/share/goestools/ne/ne_50m_admin_1_states_provinces_lakes.json"
    # Store all original GOES-17 products.
    type = "image"
    origin = "goes17"
    directory = "./goes17/{region:short|lower}/{channel:short|lower}/{time:%Y-%m-%d}"
    filename = "GOES17_{region:short}_{channel:short}_{time:%Y%m%dT%H%M%SZ}"
    format = "jpg"
    json = false
    #path = "/usr/share/goestools/ne/ne_50m_admin_0_countries_lakes.json"
    #path = "/usr/share/goestools/ne/ne_50m_admin_1_states_provinces_lakes.json"
    # GOES-16 ABI false color CUSTOMLUT VERSION 2.8 and jpg.
    type = "image"
    origin = "goes16"
    regions = [ "fd" ]
    channels = [ "ch02", "ch13" ]
    directory = "./goes16/{region:short|lower}/CUSTOMLUT/{time:%Y-%m-%d}"
    filename = "GOES16_{region:short}_FC_CUSTOMLUT_{time:%Y%m%dT%H%M%SZ}"
    format = "jpg"
    json = false
    path = "/usr/share/goestools/wxstar/wxstar_goes16_ch02_curve.png"
    path = "/home/radio/goes_stuff/usradioguycustomlut.png"
    #path = "/usr/share/goestools/ne/ne_50m_admin_0_countries_lakes.json"
    #path = "/usr/share/goestools/ne/ne_50m_admin_1_states_provinces_lakes.json"
    # GOES-16 ABI false color.
    type = "image"
    origin = "goes16"
    regions = [ "fd", "m1", "m2" ]
    channels = [ "ch02", "ch13" ]
    directory = "./goes16/{region:short|lower}/fc/{time:%Y-%m-%d}"
    filename = "GOES16_{region:short}_FC_{time:%Y%m%dT%H%M%SZ}"
    format = "jpg"
    json = false
    path = "/usr/share/goestools/wxstar/wxstar_goes16_ch02_curve.png"
    path = "/usr/share/goestools/wxstar/wxstar_goes16_lut.png"
    #path = "/usr/share/goestools/ne/ne_50m_admin_0_countries_lakes.json"
    #path = "/usr/share/goestools/ne/ne_50m_admin_1_states_provinces_lakes.json"
    # GOES-16 ABI RGB-enhanced
    type = "image"
    origin = "goes16"
    regions = [ "fd", "m1", "m2" ]
    channels = [ "ch07", "ch08", "ch09", "ch13", "ch14", "ch15" ]
    directory = "./goes16/{region:short|lower}/{channel:short|lower}_enhanced/{time:%Y-%m-%d}"
    filename = "GOES16_{region:short}_{channel:short}_enhanced_{time:%Y%m%dT%H%M%SZ}"
    format = "jpg"
    json = false
    ## The following gradients are rough approximations of the 
    ## McIDAS RGB enhancements used by NOAA/NESDIS/STAR on their site..
    ## For more info:
    ## Shortwave IR (Channel 7)
    points = [
    { units = 400, color = "#000000" },
    { units = 250, color = "#b9b9b9" },
    { units = 249.999, color = "#00ffff" },
    { units = 240, color = "#000080" },
    { units = 230, color = "#00ff00" },
    { units = 220, color = "#ffff00" },
    { units = 210, color = "#ff0000" },
    { units = 200, color = "#000000" },
    { units = 190, color = "#ffffff" }
    ## Water Vapor (Channels 8 and 9)
    points = [
    { units = 276, color = "#000000" },
    { units = 275.9, color = "#ff0000" },
    { units = 258, color = "#ffff00" },
    { units = 250, color = "#000070" },
    { units = 233, color = "#ffffff" },
    { units = 195, color = "#408020" },
    { units = 178, color = "#00ffff" }
    points = [
    { units = 276, color = "#000000" },
    { units = 275.9, color = "#ff0000" },
    { units = 258, color = "#ffff00" },
    { units = 250, color = "#000070" },
    { units = 233, color = "#ffffff" },
    { units = 195, color = "#408020" },
    { units = 178, color = "#00ffff" }
    ## Longwave IR (Channels 13, 14, and 15)
    #  [handler.gradient.ch13]
    #  points = [
    #    { units = 333, color = "#000000" },
    #    { units = 238, color = "#b9b9b9" },
    #    { units = 237.999, color = "#00ffff" },
    #    { units = 228, color = "#000080" },
    #    { units = 218, color = "#00ff00" },
    #    { units = 208, color = "#ffff00" },
    #    { units = 198, color = "#ff0000" },
    #    { units = 188, color = "#000000" },
    #    { units = 178, color = "#ffffff" }
    #  ]
    ## usradioguy edits 
    ## Longwave IR (Channels 13, 14, and 15 SSEC/CIRA)
    points = [
    { units = 333, color = "#000000" },
    { units = 273, color = "#b9b9b9" },
    { units = 263, color = "#EAEAEA" },
    { units = 253, color = "#00ffff" },
    { units = 238, color = "#0000FF" },
    { units = 237.999, color = "#000080" },
    { units = 235, color = "#003300" },
    { units = 230, color = "#008000" },
    { units = 222, color = "#ffff00" },
    { units = 208, color = "#FF0000" },
    { units = 198, color = "#FF7F7F" },
    { units = 193.15, color = "#800080" },
    { units = 188, color = "#000000" },
    { units = 178, color = "#ffffff" }
    points = [
    { units = 333, color = "#000000" },
    { units = 238, color = "#b9b9b9" },
    { units = 237.999, color = "#00ffff" },
    { units = 228, color = "#000080" },
    { units = 218, color = "#00ff00" },
    { units = 208, color = "#ffff00" },
    { units = 198, color = "#ff0000" },
    { units = 188, color = "#000000" },
    { units = 178, color = "#ffffff" }
    # original 
    #  [handler.gradient.ch15]
    #  points = [
    #    { units = 333, color = "#000000" },
    #    { units = 238, color = "#b9b9b9" },
    #    { units = 237.999, color = "#00ffff" },
    #    { units = 228, color = "#000080" },
    #    { units = 218, color = "#00ff00" },
    #    { units = 208, color = "#ffff00" },
    #    { units = 198, color = "#ff0000" },
    #    { units = 188, color = "#000000" },
    #    { units = 178, color = "#ffffff" }
    #  ]
    ## usradioguy edits 
    points = [
    { units = 333, color = "#000000" },
    { units = 273, color = "#b9b9b9" },
    { units = 263, color = "#EAEAEA" },
    { units = 253, color = "#00ffff" },
    { units = 238, color = "#0000FF" },
    { units = 237.999, color = "#000080" },
    { units = 235, color = "#003300" },
    { units = 230, color = "#008000" },
    { units = 222, color = "#ffff00" },
    { units = 208, color = "#FF0000" },
    { units = 198, color = "#FF7F7F" },
    { units = 193.15, color = "#800080" },
    { units = 188, color = "#000000" },
    { units = 178, color = "#ffffff" }
    #path = "/usr/share/goestools/ne/ne_50m_admin_0_countries_lakes.json"
    #path = "/usr/share/goestools/ne/ne_50m_admin_1_states_provinces_lakes.json"
    type = "image"
    origin = "goes16"
    regions = [ "fd", "m1", "m2" ]
    channels = [ "ch02", "ch13" ]
    directory = "./goes16/{region:short|lower}/fire/{time:%Y-%m-%d}"
    filename = "GOES16_{region:short}_FCFIREMAP_{time:%Y%m%dT%H%M%SZ}"
    format = "jpg"
    json = false
    path = "/usr/share/goestools/wxstar/wxstar_goes16_ch02_curve.png"
    path = "/home/radio/goes_stuff/usradioguycustomlut.png"
    path = "/usr/share/goestools/ne/ne_50m_admin_0_countries_lakes.json"
    path = "/usr/share/goestools/ne/ne_50m_admin_1_states_provinces_lakes.json"
    path = "/home/radio/goes_stuff/fire.json"
    color = "#FF6700"
    #GOES 16 DCS Data Stream
    type = "dcs"
    directory = "./dcs/{time:%Y-%m-%d}"
    ## GOES-16 LEVEL 02 & Level 03 ABI Imagery- should generate:
    #Rainfall rate/QPE RRQPE
    #Sea surface temperature (skin) SST
    #Land surface temperature (skin) LST
    #Total precipitable water TPW
    #Derived stability indices DSI
    #Cloud top height ACTH
    # GOES-16 ABI Non-CMIP RGB-enhanced (Black Borders)
    type = "image"
    origin = "goes16"
    products = [ "sst", "lst", "dsi", "tpw" ]
    directory = "./goes16/non-cmip/{region:short|lower}/{product:short|lower}/{time:%Y-%m-%d}"
    filename = "GOES16_{region:short}_{product:short}_{time:%Y%m%dT%H%M%SZ}"
    format = "jpg"
    json = false
    #path = "/usr/share/goestools/ne/ne_50m_admin_0_countries_lakes.json"
    #color = "#000000"
    #path = "/usr/share/goestools/ne/ne_50m_admin_1_states_provinces_lakes.json"
    #color = "#000000"
    ## The following gradients are rough approximations of the 
    ## McIDAS RGB enhancements used by NOAA/NESDIS/STAR on their site..
    ## For more info:
    ## (SST)
    ## (LST)
    ## (DSI)
    ## (TPW)
    # Skin Sea Surface Temperature (Degrees K)
    points = [
    { units = 180, color = "#ffffff" },
    { units = 270.65, color = "#ffffff" },
    { units = 273.25, color = "#b005c6" },
    { units = 275.5, color = "#8f06e4" },
    { units = 277.75, color = "#6c1ff7" },
    { units = 280, color = "#486afa" },
    { units = 282.25, color = "#24b4fc" },
    { units = 284.5, color = "#00ffff" },
    { units = 287.25, color = "#00e696" },
    { units = 289, color = "#00d54b" },
    { units = 291.3, color = "#0cc600" },
    { units = 293.6, color = "#59d800" },
    { units = 295.85, color = "#a5ea00" },
    { units = 298.1, color = "#f2fc00" },
    { units = 300.35, color = "#ffc900" },
    { units = 302.6, color = "#ff9400" },
    { units = 304.85, color = "#ff5500" },
    { units = 307.1, color = "#ff1500" },
    { units = 340, color = "#ffffff" }
    # Skin Land Surface Temperature (Degrees K)
    points = [
    { units = 215, color = "#102469" },
    { units = 220, color = "#0002b5" },
    { units = 240, color = "#0359fa" },
    { units = 260, color = "#03eee9" },
    { units = 280, color = "#87f36c" },
    { units = 300, color = "#fee502" },
    { units = 320, color = "#f34900" },
    { units = 342, color = "#7f1100" },
    { units = 353, color = "#ffffff" }
    # CAPE Derived Stability Index (Joules/kg)
    points = [
    { units = 0, color = "#543e20" },
    { units = 500, color = "#a58154" },
    { units = 750, color = "#cfa370" },
    { units = 1000, color = "#c3afc2" },
    { units = 1500, color = "#8181c5" },
    { units = 1750, color = "#6363a3" },
    { units = 2000, color = "#969656" },
    { units = 2500, color = "#fffc02" },
    { units = 2750, color = "#ffd327" },
    { units = 3000, color = "#ff9063" },
    { units = 3500, color = "#ff231e" },
    { units = 4000, color = "#b10032" },
    { units = 4250, color = "#680063" },
    { units = 4500, color = "#8d0090" },
    { units = 4961.3914, color = "#ea00ef" },
    { units = 4980.9245, color = "#000000" }
    # Total Precipitable Water (mm)
    points = [
    { units = 0, color = "#3a290b" },
    { units = 11, color = "#d1a777" },
    { units = 12, color = "#8999ee" },
    { units = 22, color = "#584c96" },
    { units = 23, color = "#9a6a5c" },
    { units = 32, color = "#72a429" },
    { units = 33, color = "#97c03c" },
    { units = 43, color = "#f4fe00" },
    { units = 44, color = "#fd775e" },
    { units = 53, color = "#982a19" },
    { units = 54, color = "#6f0069" },
    { units = 65, color = "#fb00ee" },
    { units = 66, color = "#ffc8ff" },
    { units = 69, color = "#f0bbef" },
    { units = 99, color = "#f069ef" },
    { units = 99.6187, color = "#ffffff" },
    # GOES-16 ABI Non-CMIP RGB-enhanced (White Borders)
    type = "image"
    origin = "goes16"
    products = [ "rrqpe", "acht", "acha" ]
    directory = "./goes16/non-cmip/{region:short|lower}/{product:short|lower}/{time:%Y-%m-%d}"
    filename = "GOES16_{region:short}_{product:short}_{time:%Y%m%dT%H%M%SZ}"
    format = "jpg"
    json = false
    #  [[]]
    #  path = "/usr/share/goestools/ne/ne_50m_admin_0_countries_lakes.json"
    #  [[]]
    #  path = "/usr/share/goestools/ne/ne_50m_admin_1_states_provinces_lakes.json"
    ## The following gradients are rough approximations of the 
    ## McIDAS RGB enhancements used by NOAA/NESDIS/STAR on their site..
    ## For more info:
    ## (RRQPE)
    ## (ACHT)
    # Rainfall Rate (mm/hr)
    points = [
    { units = 0, color = "#000000" },
    { units = 6.35, color = "#303030" },
    { units = 12.6, color = "#303030" },
    { units = 12.7, color = "#009cff" },
    { units = 25.3, color = "#050dc8" },
    { units = 25.4, color = "#36ef31" },
    { units = 38.1, color = "#1e8f01" },
    { units = 40.64, color = "#fff92e" },
    { units = 50.8, color = "#f23027" },
    { units = 53.34, color = "#ff00f8" },
    { units = 63.5, color = "#c168c6" },
    { units = 66.04, color = "#fcfcfc" },
    { units = 100, color = "#ffffff" }
    # Cloud top Height (Degrees K)
    points = [
    { units = 180, color = "#000000" },
    { units = 193, color = "#ffe300" },
    { units = 213, color = "#81ff00" },
    { units = 233, color = "#00ff23" },
    { units = 253, color = "#00ffbb" },
    { units = 273, color = "#00abff" },
    { units = 293, color = "#0011ff" },
    { units = 313, color = "#7500eb" },
    { units = 321, color = "#000000" },
    # Cloud Top Height Algorithm (Meters)
    points = [
    { units = 0, color = "#000000" },
    { units = 1500, color = "#5e10b1" },
    { units = 3000, color = "#360ae5" },
    { units = 6050, color = "#0d85e4" },
    { units = 9100, color = "#16f2b4" },
    { units = 12200, color = "#19f108" },
    { units = 15250, color = "#e4ff2b" },
    { units = 19845, color = "#ef630e" },
    { units = 19923, color = "#000000" },
    # GOES-17  ABI false color CUSTOMLUT VERSION 2.8 and jpg.
    type = "image"
    origin = "goes17"
    regions = [ "fd", "m1", "m2" ]
    channels = [ "ch02", "ch13" ]
    directory = "./goes17/{region:short|lower}/CUSTOMLUT/{time:%Y-%m-%d}"
    filename = "GOES17_{region:short}_FC_CUSTOMLUT_{time:%Y%m%dT%H%M%SZ}"
    format = "jpg"
    json = false
    # This reuses the GOES-16 contrast curve assuming it is identical
    path = "/usr/share/goestools/wxstar/wxstar_goes16_ch02_curve.png"
    # This reuses the GOES-16 LUT assuming it is identical
    path = "/home/radio/goes_stuff/usradioguycustomlut.png"
    #path = "/usr/share/goestools/ne/ne_50m_admin_0_countries_lakes.json"
    #path = "/usr/share/goestools/ne/ne_50m_admin_1_states_provinces_lakes.json"
    # GOES-17 ABI false color.
    type = "image"
    origin = "goes17"
    regions = [ "fd", "m1", "m2" ]
    channels = [ "ch02", "ch13" ]
    directory = "./goes17/{region:short|lower}/fc/{time:%Y-%m-%d}"
    filename = "GOES17_{region:short}_FC_{time:%Y%m%dT%H%M%SZ}"
    format = "jpg"
    json = false
    # This reuses the GOES-16 contrast curve assuming it is identical
    path = "/usr/share/goestools/wxstar/wxstar_goes16_ch02_curve.png"
    # This reuses the GOES-16 LUT assuming it is identical
    path = "/usr/share/goestools/wxstar/wxstar_goes16_lut.png"
    #path = "/usr/share/goestools/ne/ne_50m_admin_0_countries_lakes.json"
    #path = "/usr/share/goestools/ne/ne_50m_admin_1_states_provinces_lakes.json"
    # GOES-17 ABI RGB-enhanced
    type = "image"
    origin = "goes17"
    regions = [ "fd", "m1", "m2" ]
    channels = [ "ch07", "ch08", "ch09", "ch13", "ch14", "ch15" ]
    directory = "./goes17/{region:short|lower}/{channel:short|lower}_enhanced/{time:%Y-%m-%d}"
    filename = "GOES17_{region:short}_{channel:short}_enhanced_{time:%Y%m%dT%H%M%SZ}"
    format = "jpg"
    json = false
    ## The following gradients are rough approximations of the 
    ## McIDAS RGB enhancements used by NOAA/NESDIS/STAR on their site..
    ## For more info:
    ## Shortwave IR (Channel 7)
    points = [
    { units = 400, color = "#000000" },
    { units = 250, color = "#b9b9b9" },
    { units = 249.999, color = "#00ffff" },
    { units = 240, color = "#000080" },
    { units = 230, color = "#00ff00" },
    { units = 220, color = "#ffff00" },
    { units = 210, color = "#ff0000" },
    { units = 200, color = "#000000" },
    { units = 190, color = "#ffffff" }
    ## Water Vapor (Channels 8 and 9)
    points = [
    { units = 276, color = "#000000" },
    { units = 275.9, color = "#ff0000" },
    { units = 258, color = "#ffff00" },
    { units = 250, color = "#000070" },
    { units = 233, color = "#ffffff" },
    { units = 195, color = "#408020" },
    { units = 178, color = "#00ffff" }
    points = [
    { units = 276, color = "#000000" },
    { units = 275.9, color = "#ff0000" },
    { units = 258, color = "#ffff00" },
    { units = 250, color = "#000070" },
    { units = 233, color = "#ffffff" },
    { units = 195, color = "#408020" },
    { units = 178, color = "#00ffff" }
    ## Longwave IR (Channels 13, 14, and 15)
    points = [
    { units = 333, color = "#000000" },
    { units = 238, color = "#b9b9b9" },
    { units = 237.999, color = "#00ffff" },
    { units = 228, color = "#000080" },
    { units = 218, color = "#00ff00" },
    { units = 208, color = "#ffff00" },
    { units = 198, color = "#ff0000" },
    { units = 188, color = "#000000" },
    { units = 178, color = "#ffffff" }
    points = [
    { units = 333, color = "#000000" },
    { units = 238, color = "#b9b9b9" },
    { units = 237.999, color = "#00ffff" },
    { units = 228, color = "#000080" },
    { units = 218, color = "#00ff00" },
    { units = 208, color = "#ffff00" },
    { units = 198, color = "#ff0000" },
    { units = 188, color = "#000000" },
    { units = 178, color = "#ffffff" }
    #path = "/usr/share/goestools/ne/ne_50m_admin_0_countries_lakes.json"
    #path = "/usr/share/goestools/ne/ne_50m_admin_1_states_provinces_lakes.json"
    type = "text"
    product = "other"
    dir = "./goes16/ADMIN/text/{time:%Y-%m-%d}"
    filename = "{time:%Y%m%dT%H%M%SZ}_{filename}"
    # Emergency Mangers Weather Information Network
    # The HRIT stream on the GOES-R series includes EMWIN data. This handler writes EMWIN files and decompresses them if applicable (a subset of EMWIN files is compressed as ZIP file).
    type = "emwin"
    directory = "./emwin/{time:%Y-%m-%d}"
    exclude_txt = true
    # Images relayed from Himawari-8.
    type = "image"
    origin = "himawari8"
    directory = "./himawari8/{region:short|lower}/{time:%Y-%m-%d}"
    filename = "Himawari8_{region:short}_{channel:short}_{time:%Y%m%dT%H%M%SZ}"
    format = "jpg"
    json = false
    #path = "/usr/share/goestools/ne/ne_50m_admin_0_countries_lakes.json"
    #path = "/usr/share/goestools/ne/ne_50m_admin_1_states_provinces_lakes.json"
    # NWS text (weather reports).
    type = "text"
    origin = "nws"
    directory = "./nws/{time:%Y-%m-%d}"
    filename = "{time:%Y%m%dT%H%M%SZ}_{awips:nnn}{awips:xxx}"
    json = false
    # NWS images.
    type = "image"
    origin = "nws"
    directory = "./nws/{time:%Y-%m-%d}"
    filename = "{time:%Y%m%dT%H%M%SZ}_{filename}"
    format = "png"
    json = false
    # Miscellaneous text.
    type = "text"
    origin = "other"
    directory = "./text/{time:%Y-%m-%d}"
    filename = "{time:%Y%m%dT%H%M%SZ}_{filename}"
    json = false
    # Store relayed GOES-15 full disks
    type = "image"
    origin = "goes15"
    regions = [ "fd" ]
    directory = "./goes15/{region:short|lower}/{time:%Y-%m-%d}"
    filename = "GOES15_{region:short}_{channel:short}_{time:%Y%m%dT%H%M%SZ}"
    crop = [ -2374, 2371, -1357, 1347 ]
    format = "jpg"
    json = false
    #path = "/usr/share/goestools/ne/ne_50m_admin_0_countries_lakes.json"
    #path = "/usr/share/goestools/ne/ne_50m_admin_1_states_provinces_lakes.json"
    # Store relayed GOES-15 northern hemisphere region
    type = "image"
    origin = "goes15"
    regions = [ "nh" ]
    directory = "./goes15/{region:short|lower}/{time:%Y-%m-%d}"
    filename = "GOES15_{region:short}_{channel:short}_{time:%Y%m%dT%H%M%SZ}"
    crop = [ -1864, 1447, -1357, -3 ]
    format = "jpg"
    json = false
    #path = "/usr/share/goestools/ne/ne_50m_admin_0_countries_lakes.json"
    #path = "/usr/share/goestools/ne/ne_50m_admin_1_states_provinces_lakes.json"
    # Store relayed GOES-15 southern hemisphere region
    type = "image"
    origin = "goes15"
    regions = [ "sh" ]
    directory = "./goes15/{region:short|lower}/{time:%Y-%m-%d}"
    filename = "GOES15_{region:short}_{channel:short}_{time:%Y%m%dT%H%M%SZ}"
    crop = [ -1864, 896, -19, 1043 ]
    format = "jpg"
    json = false
    #path = "/usr/share/goestools/ne/ne_50m_admin_0_countries_lakes.json"
    #path = "/usr/share/goestools/ne/ne_50m_admin_1_states_provinces_lakes.json"
    # Store relayed GOES-15 US region
    type = "image"
    origin = "goes15"
    regions = [ "us" ]
    directory = "./goes15/{region:short|lower}/{time:%Y-%m-%d}"
    filename = "GOES15_{region:short}_{channel:short}_{time:%Y%m%dT%H%M%SZ}"
    crop = [ -1312, 1542, -1327, -345 ]
    format = "jpg"
    json = false
    #path = "/usr/share/goestools/ne/ne_50m_admin_0_countries_lakes.json"
    #path = "/usr/share/goestools/ne/ne_50m_admin_1_states_provinces_lakes.json"
    # Store relayed GOES-15 special regions
    # No crop specified because it is expected to move around
    type = "image"
    origin = "goes15"
    regions = [ "si00", "si01", "si02", "si03", "si04" ]
    directory = "./goes15/{region:short|lower}/{time:%Y-%m-%d}"
    filename = "GOES15_{region:short}_{channel:short}_{time:%Y%m%dT%H%M%SZ}"
    format = "jpg"
    json = false
    #path = "/usr/share/goestools/ne/ne_50m_admin_0_countries_lakes.json"
    #path = "/usr/share/goestools/ne/ne_50m_admin_1_states_provinces_lakes.json"
    # The following handler takes the same crop from the FD, NH, and US
    # products to get more frequent imagery of a smaller area on the
    # northern hemisphere. The crop region is a combination of the NH and
    # US crop regions.
    type = "image"
    origin = "goes15"
    regions = [ "fd", "nh", "us" ]
    crop = [ -1312, 1447, -1327, -345 ]
    directory = "./goes15/combine-north/{time:%Y-%m-%d}"
    filename = "GOES15_{channel:short}_{time:%Y%m%dT%H%M%SZ}_{region:short}"
    format = "jpg"
    json = false
    #path = "/usr/share/goestools/ne/ne_50m_admin_0_countries_lakes.json"
    #path = "/usr/share/goestools/ne/ne_50m_admin_1_states_provinces_lakes.json"
    # The following handler takes the same crop from the FD and SH
    # products to get more frequent imagery of a smaller area on the
    # southern hemisphere.
    type = "image"
    origin = "goes15"
    regions = [ "fd", "sh" ]
    crop = [ -1864, 896, -19, 1043 ]
    directory = "./goes15/combine-south/{time:%Y-%m-%d}"
    filename = "GOES15_{channel:short}_{time:%Y%m%dT%H%M%SZ}_{region:short}"
    format = "jpg"
    json = false
    #path = "/usr/share/goestools/ne/ne_50m_admin_0_countries_lakes.json"
    #path = "/usr/share/goestools/ne/ne_50m_admin_1_states_provinces_lakes.json"
  39. this isn’t secure, but meh, let’s make the html directory world writeable

    $ sudo chmod -R 777 /var/www
  40. now we want to setup pretty directory listings for apache

    $ cd 
    $ wget
    $ unzip
    $ mv _h5ai /var/www/html
    $ chmod 777 /var/www/html/_h5ai/public/cache 
    $ cd /var/www/html 
  41. now you want to edit the default apache site config

    $ sudo nano /etc/apache2/sites-enabled/000-default.conf
  42. look for the DocumentRoot /var/www/html and paste this below it;

    <Directory "/var/www/html">
      Options +Indexes
      AllowOverride all
      Order allow,deny
      Allow from all
      Require all granted
    DirectoryIndex  index.html  index.php  /_h5ai/public/index.php
  43. now restart apache

    $ sudo systemctl restart apache2 
  44. visit your site in a web browser ( and you should see a pretty directory listing

  45. now we set this up to automate on reboot.

    $ nano ~/ 
  46. paste this in

    /usr/bin/sudo -u radio /usr/bin/screen -dmS goesrecv /usr/bin/goesrecv -v -i 1 -c /home/radio/goesrecv.conf
    /usr/bin/sudo -u radio /usr/bin/screen -dmS goesproc /usr/bin/goesproc -c /usr/share/goestools/goesproc-goesr.conf -m packet --subscribe tcp:// --out /var/www/html/goes
  47. exit and save your file, and make it executable

    $ chmod +x 
  48. now we need to setup the fire data

    $ nano ~/ 
  49. paste this into the file, exit and save

    # automate fire data receiving 
    export DIR="/home/radio/goes_stuff"
    if [ ! -f '$DIR/fire.json' ] 
            echo "no previous fire data to delete" 
            echo "deleting fire.json"
            rm '$DIR/fire.json' 
    if [ ! -d $DIR ]
            echo "no directory available, can't continue"
            exit 0
            echo "entering directory" 
            cd $DIR
    echo -n "downloading fire data: " 
    wget -q
    echo "done" 
    echo -n "extracting fire data: "
    unzip -qq -d fire_data 
    echo "done"
    echo -n "extracting data to create fire.json: "
    ogr2ogr -f "GeoJSON" -dialect SQLite -sql "select ST_Buffer(geometry,0.01) from MODIS_C6_1_Global_24h" fire.json ./fire_data/MODIS_C6_1_Global_24h.shp
    echo "done" 
    echo -n "removing old data: "
    rm -rf fire_data 
    rm -f
    echo "done"
  50. make it executable then run it for the first time

    $ chmod +x /home/radio/
    $ ./ 
  51. then edit your crontab

    $ crontab -e 
  52. paste this in after all the comments

    @reboot sleep 15 && /usr/bin/sudo -u radio /usr/bin/screen -dmS goesrecv /usr/bin/goesrecv -v -i 1 -c /home/radio/goesrecv.conf
    @reboot sleep 15 && /usr/bin/sudo -u radio /usr/bin/screen -dmS goesproc /usr/bin/goesproc -c /usr/share/goestools/goesproc-goesr.conf -m packet --subscribe tcp:// --out /var/www/html/goes
    # run the fire collection script every 10 minutes
    */10 * * * * /home/radio/ 
  53. exit and save the file

  54. now, we have to add our microsdcard as a directory / mountable drive. first you want to run fdisk to view your current drives. you’ll see a few, but we’re looking for /dev/mmc* in this use-case. Mine look like this.

    $ sudo fdisk -l 
    Disk /dev/mmcblk1: 119.08 GiB, 127865454592 bytes, 249737216 sectors
    Units: sectors of 1 * 512 = 512 bytes
    Sector size (logical/physical): 512 bytes / 512 bytes
    I/O size (minimum/optimal): 512 bytes / 512 bytes
    Disklabel type: dos
    Disk identifier: 0x00000000
    Device         Boot Start       End   Sectors   Size Id Type
    /dev/mmcblk1p1      32768 249737215 249704448 119.1G  7 HPFS/NTFS/exFAT
    Disk /dev/mmcblk0: 29.12 GiB, 31268536320 bytes, 61071360 sectors
    Units: sectors of 1 * 512 = 512 bytes
    Sector size (logical/physical): 512 bytes / 512 bytes
    I/O size (minimum/optimal): 512 bytes / 512 bytes
    Disklabel type: dos
    Disk identifier: 0x03823826
    Device         Boot  Start      End  Sectors  Size Id Type
    /dev/mmcblk0p1        2048   264191   262144  128M  c W95 FAT32 (LBA)
    /dev/mmcblk0p2      264192 61069312 60805121   29G 83 Linux
  55. in our case, the 128gb disk is /dev/mmcblk1p1 so we want to delete any partitions that exist, in our case, 1 through 4 then write the changes

    $ sudo fdisk /dev/mmcblk1p1 
  56. now we want to re-setup the new partition by creating a new partition under position 1 and writing the changes

    $ sudo fdisk /dev/mmcblk1p1 
  57. now we want to reboot

    $ sudo reboot 
  58. now we want to format the new drive as ext4

    $ sudo mkfs.ext4 /dev/mmcblk1p1
  59. now we want to copy out any files from the current web directory to /tmp

    $ mkdir /tmp/www
    $ sudo cp -R /var/www/html /tmp/www 
  60. now we need to find the blkid of our drive to add it to fstab

    $ sudo blkid 
  61. The above command outputs something like

    /dev/mmcblk0p2: LABEL="rootfs" UUID="e139ce78-9841-40fe-8823-96a304a09859" BLOCK_SIZE="4096" TYPE="ext4" PARTUUID="03823826-02"
    /dev/mmcblk1p1: UUID="e8d29822-6bdf-4bf8-817c-915e0db7572d" BLOCK_SIZE="4096" TYPE="ext4"
    /dev/mmcblk0p1: SEC_TYPE="msdos" LABEL_FATBOOT="BOOT" LABEL="BOOT" UUID="F702-39CB" BLOCK_SIZE="512" TYPE="vfat" PARTUUID="03823826-01"
  62. so in our case, our drive is /dev/mmcblk1p1 so we want to copy the UUID of this drive

  63. now we want to edit fstab and make this drive auto mount on boot

    $ sudo mv /var/www/html /var/www/html.old 
    $ sudo nano /etc/fstab
  64. then we want to add our drive using the UUID you got above

    UUID=e8d29822-6bdf-4bf8-817c-915e0db7572d /var/www/html ext4 defaults 0 0 
  65. exit and save your file, then try mounting it.

    $ sudo mkdir /var/www/html 
    $ sudo chmod 777 /var/www/html 
    $ sudo mount /var/www/html
    $ cd /var/www/html
    $ ls
  66. if you see the lost and found directory, you’re setup properly. so lets copy over our existing files and directory lister now.

    $ cd /var/www/html
    $ sudo mv /var/www/html.old/* . 
  67. at this point your /var/www/html mounted drive should look like this

    $ ls -l
    total 24
    drwxrwxr-x 4 radio radio  4096 Jan 24  2021 _h5ai
    drwxrwxrwx 6 root  root   4096 Jan 29 00:00 goes
    drwx------ 2 root  root  16384 Jan 29 01:38 lost+found
  68. now we want to reboot to ensure it’s loaded properly on reboot and files still get written

    $ sudo reboot 
  69. now ssh back to your server and issue the following commands to ensure everything is working;

    $ ssh -l radio 
    $ screen -r 
    There are several suitable screens on:
            3199.goesrecv	(01/29/23 01:58:59)	(Detached)
            3197.goesproc	(01/29/23 01:58:59)	(Detached)
  70. this means your screen sessions are running (you can join either of them with screen -r sessionname)

  71. now you want to check if your new mountpoint is working

    $ mount | grep  html 
    /dev/mmcblk1p1 on /var/www/html type ext4 (rw,relatime,data=ordered)
  72. if you see the mountpoint you should be all good, if you don’t, time to troubleshoot bro.

  73. now you can delete your old backup directories

    $ sudo rm -rf /var/www/html.old 
    $ sudo rm -rf /tmp/www 
  74. reboot to make sure it all works

    $ sudo reboot 
  75. once logged in again, verify your receiving, and processing the data

    $ screen -r goesrecv 
    <ctrl-a-d to leave> 
    $ screen -r goesproc 
    <ctrl-a-d to leave> 
  76. congrats! everything is setup, now you just got to wait for some images to be generated, where you can visit your web server to check them out.


  1. edit the goes processing file

     $ sudo nano /usr/share/goestools/goesproc-goesr.conf 
  2. for all the lines that look like this;

     #path = "/usr/share/goestools/ne/ne_50m_admin_0_countries_lakes.json"
     #path = "/usr/share/goestools/ne/ne_50m_admin_1_states_provinces_lakes.json"
  3. UNcomment them out so they look like this

     path = "/usr/share/goestools/ne/ne_50m_admin_0_countries_lakes.json"
     path = "/usr/share/goestools/ne/ne_50m_admin_1_states_provinces_lakes.json"
  4. exit and save the file

  5. reboot for changes to take effect (or, stop and start your screen sessions).

     $ sudo reboot