Gentoo, Asterisk and HudLite Installation and Setup Howto

Greetings, This weekend I had some free time, and decided I would try and get the Hudlite Call Manager working with my Asterisk Installation. This wasn’t the easiest of processes since I do not run TrixBox, FreePBX, etc. I have a stock Asterisk installation on Gentoo Linux, managed from command line, and realtime databasing. The Hudlite Call Manager was a little difficult to get working, hopefully this howto will help with getting it to work on your installation....

July 3, 2006 · 8 min · 1520 words · Matt G

Even More Asterisk Weather – Now Cepstral

What’s the deal with weather? It’s funny that as nerds, we probably have more weather apps on our desktops than actually going outside or looking out a window. I admit I do it myself. On the laptop I have the Enlightenment Weather Module loaded up, as well as ForeCastFox on all of my desktops and laptop with continual popup reminders letting me know down to the minute barometer pressure and current ceiling height....

June 2, 2006 · 2 min · 417 words · Matt G

PA-168S – Historical info of ringtone sounds

just putting it on here for archival purposes: DTMF0 - High pitched, medium length tone – annoying DTMF1 - louder sounding european style ring DTMF2 - softer sounding european style ring DTMF3 - Long ring followed by shorter ring, soft sounding DTMF4 - very short spaced medium pitched tone – annoying DTMF5 - Two short pulse european ring sound DTMF6 - Continuous Medium Pulse Ring – Annoying DTMF7 - Higher Pitched two short pulses with longer spacing – not too bad...

May 7, 2006 · 1 min · 169 words · Matt G

PRI span restarting… here’s how to remove those warnings..

Found this here… thought I should archive it… I often get emailed by people, wondering if their T1 card is having problems. Their email goes something like this: The following stuff shows up on the asterisk console from time to time… Is that anything to be worried about? Is the card malfunctioning and restarting? Is this dropping all the current calls when this happens? — B-channel 0/1 successfully restarted on span 1...

March 12, 2006 · 2 min · 333 words · Matt G

asterisk shell prompt

i found this tonight in one of my olddddddd bashrc’s backed up from like 2 years ago now.. dunno if it’s useful for anyone, but i’m just tossing it here for historical reference since its asterisk related. put one of these in your .bashrc to get funky prompts. export ASTERISK_PROMPT="%n [ %d/%t ]%n [ Load1: %l1 Load2: %l2 Load3: %l3 ]%n [ Processes: %l4 PID: %l5 ]%n [ %H ] %%%# " or...

February 7, 2006 · 1 min · 76 words · Matt G